What to do when Facebook ads get rejected

(easy step-by-step process)

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What to do when Facebook ads get rejected (A step-by-step process)

If we know Facebook is right about rejection:

  1. Replace your rejected ad creative with your most compliant creative or just some very simple pictures from the internet

  2. Change the ad copy, headline and description to something very vanilla like “Hope your day is great”

  3. Change the landing page to the compliant one or blank landing page if you believe the landing page could be the reason for rejection.

  4. Republish them.

  5. Turn them off and leave them be.

  6. Rename them to add prefix to the ad name “don’t turn on- “

Principles behind this:

An ad account will get shut down if your rejected ads > approved ones

Deleting an ad doesn't get rid of the fact that it was rejected.

Replacing an ad gives a positive sign for the ad compliance algorithm that you fixed the issue

If we know Facebook is wrong about rejection:

  1. Send them for a review

If the ad is compliant but Facebook keeps rejecting them:

  1. Edit the rejected ad so it’s compliant(see the process above).

  2. Duplicate ads, and wait until they get rejected.

  3. Reach out to the support using this link:

    1. https://www.facebook.com/business/help

    2. Just always select the reason as "other" to get to the representativel

  4. Send them this message once connected to the rep:


How are you?

Just to give you some info and context:

My phone:

My email:

I am reaching out because the ads we launched got rejected. We had this issue before in this ad account. And the previous Meta representative said I should reach out manually again once the ads get disapproved instead of requesting a review through the system. Hope you can help and send them to the internal team because it doesn't work to request them through the internal system. The ads just get stuck in review.

Ad account id:

Ad IDs rejected:

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